Curriculum Statement

2015 - 2016

Please click here if you wish to print off the 2015 -2016 TIMETABLE

The timetable operates on a fortnightly cycle of 50 one hour lessons. This provides a total teaching time of 25 hours per week. If you feel that you are missing this, you can contact the staff for additional lessons or to where you can find additional materials and research on topics that interest you. 

The subjects taught to the pupils and the numbers of lessons per fortnight are shown below. However, there are some differences in teaching hours in KS3 depending on the needs of the group. 

Year 7 (50)

English 8 Mathematics 8, Science 6, Geography 3, History 3, Religious Education 2, French 3, Welsh 3, Music 2, Art 2, Technology 3, Physical Education 3, Personal and Social Education 1, Information Technology 2, Drama 2.

*Specific teaching groups will have extra literacy lessons. 

Year 8 (50)

English 8, Mathematics 8, Science 7, Geography 2, History 2, Religious Education 2, French 2, Welsh 3, Music 2, Art 2, Technology 3, Physical Education 3, Personal and Social Education 3, Information Technology 2, Drama 2.

*Specific teaching groups will have extra literacy lessons. 

Year 9 (50)

English 7, Mathematics 7, Science 7, Geography 3, History 3, Religious Education 2, French 3, Welsh 3, Music 2, Art 2, Technology 3, Physical Education 3, Personal and Social Education 2, Information Technology 2, Drama 2.

*Specific teaching groups will have extra literacy lessons 

During the second term in Year 9, pupils make a choice of subjects for Years 10 and 11. These choices follow consultation involving pupils, subject teachers, careers guidance teachers and personnel, Head of Year and parents. 

Year 10 (50)

Individual groups have specific allocations, but in general the curriculum hours are:

English 8, Maths 8, Science 10, Physical Education 2, PSE 2, Welsh 3, Religious Education 3 plus three options of five lessons. 

Please see the attached curriculum list above for further information 


Up-dated August 2015